Direct DonationsMake a donation online, via wire transfer or by sending a check directly to our office (831 Latour Court, Suite A, Napa CA 94558). For wire transfer details, please contact us at [email protected].
Automated DonationsProvide a gift on a monthly or quarterly. Easy to set up online, recurring gifts provide us with predictable funding, allowing us to plan for the future.
Trusts |
Wills |
Include the Napa Valley Grapegrowers as a beneficiary in your trust. Trusts can be created by a professional or can be self-produced using a software program. Our Associate Members Directory includes professional organizations that can also assist you with a trust. The directory can be found here.
Add the Napa Valley Grapegrowers to your will. You can make a will in less than 20 minutes, specific to the state you reside in, with Free Will.
Your Cellar |
Tribute and Memorial Gifts |
The Legacy Cellar Foundation converts wine collections into charitable donations. Learn more here.
Honor someone with a donation to a cause they care about. Make your donation using any of the methods included on this page, including online. We will recognize your gift and will alert the person you are honoring or the family of the person you are memorializing.
Employer Matching GiftsDouble your donation by asking your employer if they match employee's charitable contributions.
Social Media
Host a fundraiser using your social media accounts on Facebook or Instagram. It's easy to set up and 100% of the funds raised are contributed to the Napa Valley Grapegrowers.
1% for the Planet |
Point-of-Sale Donations |
Make a pledge to dedicate 1% of your annual income to nonprofit organizations tackling our planet's most pressing environmental issues and select Napa Valley Grapegrowers as your nonprofit partner. Learn more here.
Meet your sales goals and support a local cause:
Trade Resources: Speakers | Press | Sponsors
Copyright Napa Valley Grapegrowers. All Rights Reserved. 831 Latour Court, Suite A | Napa, CA 94558 Phone: (707) 944-8311 | [email protected] Privacy Policy | Sitemap | All header images © Sarah Anne Risk Napa Valley Grapegrowers is a 501(c)3 public charity. Our federal tax ID number is # 82-2012860 |
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