NVG provides its members with regular reports on vineyard pests, diseases, and viruses including resources on best practices for choosing plant material and timely updates on viruses and pest management. NVG members hold positions on the Napa Winegrape Pest and Disease Control District Board, the PD/GWSS Board, as well on CDFA's Regulations Working Group, to promote and manage funding for pest and disease research, education, and prevention efforts supporting Napa County vineyards.
Local ResourcesNapa County Agricultural Commissioner
ph. 707-253-4357 Dr. Monica L. Cooper, UC Farm Advisor ph. 707-253-4221 Napa County Winegrape Pest & Disease Control District CDFA Pest Hotline 1-800-491-1899 University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources - UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines |
Sustainable Vineyard Practices 2023
Biological and Chemical Pruning Wound Protectants and Update on Trunk Disease Management Akif Eskalen, Department of Plant Pathology, UC Cooperative Extension |
Sustainable Vineyard Practices 2023
Spider Mite Management: Biological and Chemical Approaches David Haviland, Farm Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension |
Sustainable Vineyard Practices: Pests & Disease 2022
Trade Resources: Speakers | Press | Sponsors
Copyright Napa Valley Grapegrowers. All Rights Reserved. 831 Latour Court, Suite A | Napa, CA 94558 Phone: (707) 944-8311 | [email protected] Privacy Policy | Sitemap | All header images © Sarah Anne Risk Napa Valley Grapegrowers is a 501(c)3 public charity. Our federal tax ID number is # 82-2012860 |
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